David Henry


David Henry is a Senior Web Developer at the Missouri History Museum. He has been developing for the web for over 15 years in government, education, and museums. In the nineties he pioneered the use of the web at the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) where he developed the first web survey for use in a GAO report and the first 'blog' (used to share information about counter-terrorism issues). He has spoken at several national conferences about the place of the web in public policy research. In his current position he has been very active in the museum technology community leading multiple workshops and presentations at Museums and the Web conferences. In recent years, he has presented multiple papers on linked open data issues emphasizing the details of implementing applications and/architectures for delivering linked open data. In St. Louis, he has helped form a group of technology professionals in museum and libraries to discuss linked open data and related issues. He lives in St. Louis with his wife and two daughters.

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